Photos – The Recruiting Officer

Photos by Jeremy Cooper

The lighting box crew - ??? & Mags Noble
The amazing, moving swans!
The amazing, moving swans!
The amazing, moving swans!
Prologue: the battle of Blenheim
Won't the cap list me?
And raise recruits the matrimonial way
A scoundrel attorney
A very husband
The air is intolerable
This fair hand
I'll end this strife
'Tis a prodigy of nature
The luckiest accident
Very honest gentlemen
Come Ruose, Ruose
The sum total
And he beats his wife
Behold the life
A very good name
Please to take my snuff
My dear, I am yours
(Fight and flight)
A privateer or a dome?
My time was not come
Set him down for a drum-major
And so to bed
Jangling a great while
And put 'em in my shoes
I han't done with her yet
If you discharge me
I have put that out of his power already
The lighting box crew - ??? & Mags Noble