Carman (opera on the move)

I’m a secret opera singer known for all the great roles,
I could be really famous, but I’m getting rather old;
And if I’m truly honest, I sing travelling in my car
And use the bathroom shower to polish my sol-fa.

There I got this sudden urge to sing fortissimo,
The sound reverberating higher and highero!
My favourite venue, where I really am well known
Is the inside of my car, when I’m travelling alone.

Journeying on a motorway, when I am feeling bored
I can burst into Puccini, or sing Verdi down the road.
The great arias just keep flowing in my auditorium
Shutting out the traffic’s constant pandemonium.

No need for an impresario, or even a mentor
I sing away impromptu above the engine’s roar.
It’s true in Covent Garden I never will be heard,
Singing away happily, understanding not a word