Brexit Immunity

Animals in cages
fighting for breath;
people on ventilators
facing their death.
A cross-over virus?
No problem, they said;
now, looking foolish
as thousands are dead.

But, we are different,
not like the rest.
We are intelligent,
obviously the best!
You can’t expect us
to accept every word
of World Health advice-
we’re not in their herd.

We have our own
very British position
Brexit to everything,
meaning, ‘Don’t listen’
So now, when the rate
of mortality rises
in hospitals, and care homes,
there is no real crisis.

We’re not to blame
for failing to plan
for more PPE and a
sports meeting ban.
We’ll follow the lead
of Donald Trump’s Tweet,
and lay all the blame
at opponents’ feet.

We’ll work day and night
to sort out the mess
others have caused,
including the Press.
Splash out more money
to save our face,
as businesses crumble,
a national disgrace.

So, don’t you forget
that we’re in this together,
proud to be British,
dull like the weather.
You may be drowning,
we’ll throw you a rope;
of fantasy thread,
to give you false hope.