A New Britain

The clock ticks still to mark the hours
over the houses, fields, and flowers;
the farms and pubs (still all shut),
schools and shops(now opened up).
Air less polluted, roads free to cycle
cities less crowded, a little miracle.

People greet people and offer support
Strangers no longer, neighbours report
who needs their help, new medication,
they offer to call on an older relation.
A new, kinder ,Britain coming awake
defeating a virus for everyones’ sake.

New heroes arise in PPE dressed,
tending the dying, and all distressed.
Drivers and carers, soldiers for now,
caring for the elderly, showing how
by fighting the virus, we live in hope,
acting together we beat it’s scope.

When it is all over will we carry on
a new community with empathy won?
Will all the carers be properly rewarded,
public servants now, new status accorded?
For a new spirit has risen, to look after all
removing injustice,making racism fall.

Old certainties gone, statues now tumble,
history re-written, as attitudes crumble.
This country’s past, is no longer great
with slavery’s vile legacy, full of hate.
Young and old begin, marching side by side
to build a new Britain on the rising tide.
