
jeremy cooperJC_portrait _Bill_Gordon

Having reached the grand old age of at least three-score years and ten, I have decided to retire from commercial video production. So I am not available for paid projects any more (except for video-editing for long-standing clients).
I still have all my video shooting gear, and am more than happy to deploy it free of charge, and on a modest scale, for local projects that are of intrinsic value (social, personal, artistic …), and that appeal to me. So it’s always worth asking!

Meanwhile I’m leaving this site here as a calling card and, for me, an aide memoire!

jeremy …

  • has extensive experience of working with clients to develop a specification designed to meet their aims and their budget
  • has produced, directed, shot and edited videos as a freelancer since retiring early from the BBC in 1999
  • produced and directed over 35 hours of broadcast TV as a BBC staff producer, mainly documentaries commissioned by the Open University, and many video and audio products for OU students
  • has on-screen BBC credits for “Cameras and Sound”, for writing, and for narrating his programmes in addition to “Produced and Directed” credits
  • has created and managed web sites since 1995, coding html directly, then using GoLive, Dreamweaver and now WordPress
  • has been an enthusiastic stills photographer since his teens (yes they had cameras then!), has exhibited his digital fine-art prints (see oliophoto), and has shot most of the photographs shown on his websites
  • has several decades’ experience of acting, producing and directing for the stage, working with amateur groups aiming at professional standards of preparation, presentation and performance

(Portrait photo by the late Bill Gordon)