1D class photo – more names needed!

From Albert Lonn
Click on the photo for a much bigger version


More names please!


Albert Lonn, Chris Clarke, Alastair Jupe, Martin Donougho, Richard Hawes, Melvin Prince, David Chamberlain,
David Woodford, Kathryn Gouge, Elizabeth Rose, Ann Beaty,  Jane Treasure, Richard? Fenton,
Colin Goodenough,  David Porter,  Steven? Peek-Vout,  Steve Cotton,  ? Saunders, David Simms, Michael Hoar


  Lynette Pearson,  Barbara Janvrin, Teresa Bancroft, Anne Driscoll, Marilyn Hacker, Sandra Pointer,
Valerie Chard, Lindsey Perry, Joan Earney, Rosemary Scotcher,


(In the Salvette David’s name is spelled ‘Sims’, but the school register shows ‘Simms’ which is what I remember – Jeremy)

Albert Lonn filled in a few more gaps and wrote: “The tall boy at the back  with dark hair is David Woodford, who emigrated to the ‘mainland’ with his family before the 5th form. I do not remember the boys  first  names as the school rarely used them.  See The Medina, Spring 1966 page 38″

9 Comments on “1D class photo – more names needed!

  1. Jane Treasure

    Barbara Janvrin left for Ryde Convent ,later went to Upper Chine

    Janet Smart is not in the photo.


  2. Thanks for those names Nona. I see that Barbara Janvrin isn’t listed in the Salvette. On the other hand Janet Smart is listed in the Salvette, but not (yet) in the photo key.

    And is it Jane or June Treasure?

  3. Lynette Pearson,Barbara Janvrin,Theresa Bancroft, Anne Driscoll, Marilyn Hacker, Sandra Pointer, Valerie Chard, Lindsay Perry, Joan Earney, Rosemary Scotcher

  4. More names for class 1D
    2nd from left, standing, Chris Clarke; 3rd from left, standing, Alistair Jupe; 6th from left, standing, Melvin Prince; 9th from left, standing, Kathryn Gouge; 9th from right, standing, Jane Treasure; 8th from right, standing, Fenton?; 7th from right, standing, Colin Goodenough; 6th from right, standing, Porter; 4th from right, standing, Steve Cotton?; 3rd from left, sitting, Teresa Bancroft; 4th from right, sitting, Anne Driscoll; 5th from right, sitting, Sandra Pointer?